Lee University Online offers two Associate of Science program options. Both associate programs require at least 60 credit hours and include core areas in general education and religion.
Lee University Online also offers seven bachelor’s degree programs and multiple emphases. All bachelors programs require at least 120 credit hours and include core areas in general education and religion.
Associate's Programs
Business Administration (Lee Online) (BUSOL.AS)
The purpose of the Associate of Science in Business program is to provide students the opportunity to explore coursework that will prepare them for business studies at the bachelor’s level. The Associate of Science in Business will also provide a Christian liberal arts base for additional collegiate coursework.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of business principles.
- Understand foundational accounting policies and procedures.
- Utilize appropriate technology tools for analysis and communication.
- Understand introductory concepts related to economics, management, and marketing.
- Utilize basic critical methodologies in biblical studies.
- Demonstrate the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Christian Ministry (CHRMN.AS)
The purpose of the Associate of Science in Christian Ministry program is to provide students with an opportunity to explore some Christian Ministry coursework that will prepare them for bachelor’s level religious studies. The Associate of Science in Christian Ministry will also provide a Christian liberal arts base for further collegiate study.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of Christian doctrine.
- Articulate a basic knowledge of the Bible.
- Utilize proficient and appropriate written, oral, and technology-based communication skills.
- Recognize and understand diverse points of view in the context of their own worldview.
- Think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
General Studies (GENST.AS)
The purpose of the Associate of Science in General Studies program is to provide students with an opportunity to explore a broad range of college level courses. Students may survey various disciplines in order to determine which would be the most appealing area for bachelor’s level studies. The Associate of Science in General Studies will provide a Christian liberal arts base for further collegiate study.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Utilize proficient and appropriate written, oral, and technology-based communication skills.
- Recognize and understand diverse points of view in the context of their own worldview.
- Think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Strategic Communication (COMSC.AS)
The purpose of the Associate of Science in Strategic Communication is to provide students with an opportunity to learn and apply professional communication skills appropriate for business, nonprofit, or ministry. Strategic Communication coursework will prepare them for bachelor's level studies in Communication or public Relations. The Associate of Science in Strategic Communication will also provide a Christian liberal arts base for further collegiate study.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Write competently and effectively using an appropriate or required style.
- Demonstrate analytical and critical thinking about the issues raised in the student's major field.
- Create effective content for strategic communication to influence publics through various activities and media channels.
- Demonstrate a commitment to social and professional responsibility, including an ethical approach to personal and professional decisions.
Bachelor's Programs
Accounting (ACCOL.BS)
The accounting program is designed to equip students with broad training and intensive preparation for the practice of accounting. The coursework focuses on the principles and theories that support preparation of financial statements according to U.S. and international accounting principles with information that supports the decision-making process of internal and external users. The program incorporates accounting standards, financial statement preparation, managerial accounting, budgeting, taxation, accounting information systems, auditing, governmental and not-for-profit accounting concepts. The curriculum is designed with consideration given to preparation for the CPA exam.
Student Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Skills
Students will demonstrate:
- The ability to prepare and analyze financial information for both internal and external reporting.
- The ability to understand complex accounting systems and transactions in various types of business entities.
- The ability to understand complex accounting systems and transactions in various types of business entities.
- The ability to prepare and apply tax law to tax returns.
- The ability to understand and apply auditing standards to financial information
Students will demonstrate proficiency in written and verbal skills to communicate effectively in a business environment.
Students will demonstrate a Christian understanding of business reflecting their moral and ethical responsibilities and will be able to utilize appropriate ethical frameworks in making business decisions.
Critical Thinking
Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by applying classroom topics to real world scenarios in order to draw logical, appropriate conclusions.
Bible and Theology (Lee Online) (CBITH.BA)
Bible and Theology (Lee Online) (CBITH.BS)
The purpose of this bachelor’s degree in Bible and theology is to give students a foundational understanding of biblical and theological knowledge. It is designed to deliver general, biblical, and theological fundamentals to those persons desiring to continue on in further theological study.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Articulate knowledge of the basic texts and tenets of the Christian faith.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the Bible.
- Articulate a clear knowledge of biblical and theological principles.
- Demonstrate a basic knowledge of Christian doctrine.
- Utilize basic critical methodologies in biblical studies.
- Demonstrate the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Business Administration (Lee Online) (BUSOL.BA)
Business Administration (Lee Online) (BUSOL.BS)
The business administration program takes seriously the commitment to produce graduates who are well prepared to enter a professional career in business or to pursue graduate studies. The business administration curriculum is integrated with critical thinking skills, students’ calling, research, teamwork, and experiential learning. Students who graduate with the business administration major are expected to perform competently and ethically in entry-level positions in such fields as manufacturing management, professional sales, consulting, customer service, financial services, retail management and bank management. The emphases in business administration are designed to allow students to focus the program of study in a particular area. Since a significant dimension of the business administration curriculum includes the integration of one’s faith with the discipline, graduates should demonstrate a Christian worldview as they discharge the duties of their vocation.
Student Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Skills
Students will demonstrate:
- The ability to define, formulate and implement organizational goals and objectives related to leadership frameworks.
- The ability to monitor and manage performance.
- The ability to understand and analyze various business strategies.
- Students will demonstrate proficiency in written and verbal skills to communicate effectively in a business environment.
- Students will demonstrate a Christian understanding of business reflecting their moral and ethical responsibilities and will be able to utilize appropriate ethical frameworks in making business decisions.
Critical Thinking
- Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by applying classroom topics to real world scenarios in order to draw logical, appropriate conclusions.
Christian Studies (Lee Online) (CHRST.BA)
Christian Studies (Lee Online) (CHRST.BS)
The purpose of the bachelor’s degree in Christian studies is to provide students a broad foundation of biblical understanding and training for personal development and/or specific ministries. Students will be given the opportunity to study courses relevant to their specific interests in predetermined Christian disciplines.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Articulate knowledge of the basic texts and tenets of the Christian faith.
- Collect, analyze, organize, and evaluate information on a broad range of topics from a wide range of sources on theological and selected ministerial issues.
- Utilize inductive study method in analysis of biblical passages.
- Evaluate relationship of Christian study emphases to selected disciplines of study.
- Demonstrate the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Criminal Justice, Corrections Emphasis (Lee Online) (CJCRT.BA)
Criminal Justice, Corrections Emphasis (Lee Online) (CJCRT.BS)
Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice & Criminology Emphasis (Lee Online) (CJJVJ.BA)
Criminal Justice, Juvenile Justice & Criminology Emphasis (Lee Online) (CJJVJ.BS)
The purpose of the bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is to equip students in the field of criminal justice while also giving them a broader perspective from the social sciences. The students will study the juvenile justice system government institutions that deal with crime, and the broader issues of criminology, delinquency, terrorism, and security. The program will also prepare students for a career in criminal justice and further graduate studies in the discipline.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Show mastery of various theories and explanations of crime causation.
- Write technical research and program proposal in crime reduction.
- Explore a bifurcated approach to learning, including theoretically and research-driven practice in criminal justice and a wide community-based experience.
- Engage in community partnership and promote participatory action model in enhancing approach to the study and research of crime.
- Integrate faith in caring for the victims of crime and those who are affected directly or indirectly by the practices of the criminal justice system.
- Display the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Emergency Management (EMMGT.BA)
The purpose of the Bachelor of Arts/Science in Emergency Management is to provide students with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary education that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and ethical mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of emergency management. This program aims to foster a deep understanding of risk assessment, disaster response coordination, and community resilience, preparing graduates to be leaders in the field.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Develop, implement, and evaluate strategic team plans for disaster and emergency management locally, nationally and globally.
- Collaborate with appropriate agencies focused on humanitarian and disaster response.
- Manage and lead interprofessional teams assembled and dispatched to serve diverse populations requiring emergency, short-term, and long-term relief care.
- Provide first aid and additional skills obtained through specialized training and certifications relevant to emergency management.
- Manage logistics related to emergency management and humanitarian aid.
- Develop and manage an effective budget and finance plan for all phases of emergency management.
- Use a global perspective and Christian worldview in responding to disaster and humanitarian needs and events.
Human Services, Addiction Emphasis (HUSAD.BA)
Human Services, Addiction Emphasis (HUSAD.BS)
Human Services, Gerontology Emphasis (HUSGE.BA)
Human Services, Gerontology Emphasis (HUSGE.BS)
The purpose of the bachelor’s degree in human services is to equip students in the field of human services while also giving them a broader perspective from the social sciences. The students will be studying social stratification, human development, community assessment as well as specified training in either social gerontology or addictions. The program will also prepare students for a career in human services and further graduate studies in the discipline.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Show mastery of various theories and explanations of human vulnerability and need.
- Engage in human needs through a wide variety of approaches with a focus on prevention of suffering in addition to remediation of need.
- Locate and interpret data on health, economics, housing and other indicators of well-being of a particular population.
- Write technical research and program proposal in aging, addiction recovery, or poverty alleviation.
- Evaluate current intervention programs and recommend improvements to quality of life projects with an emphasis on autonomy and long-term development and well-being.
- Integrate their faith in caring for vulnerable populations.
- Display the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Liberal Studies (Lee Online) (GENST.BA)
Liberal Studies (Lee Online) (GENST.BS)
The purpose of the bachelor’s degree in liberal studies is to provide a flexible liberal-arts-based program of study for students who have earned at least sixty (60) semester hours of college credits to complete an undergraduate degree. Students will utilize this previous college work, building upon that foundation to create a personalized Christian liberal arts degree.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the capability to utilize proficient and appropriate written, oral, and technology-based communication skills.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize and understand diverse points of view in the context of their own worldview.
- Demonstrate the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Ministry Leadership, Business Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLBUS.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Business Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLBUS.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Children's Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCLD.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Children's Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCLD.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Church Administration Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCAD.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Church Administration Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCAD.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Counseling Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCSL.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Counseling Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLCSL.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Discipleship Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLDIS.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Discipleship Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLDIS.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Music / Worship Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLMUW.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Music / Worship Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLMUW.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Pastoral Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLPAS.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Pastoral Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLPAS.BS)
Ministry Leadership, Youth Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLYTH.BA)
Ministry Leadership, Youth Ministry Emphasis (Lee Online) (MLYTH.BS)
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of business in the life of the church.
- Articulate strategies for sound business practices.
Church Administration
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of leadership within the church.
- Identify methods for developing leadership within the church.
Children's Ministry
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of a children's minister.
- Articulate strategies for children's ministry.
- Articulate an understanding of the role of ministerial counseling in the church.
- Identify various theories and methods in church counseling.
- Demonstrate an understanding of educational ministry and discipleship in the church.
- Display an understanding of the importance of small group ministry within the church.
Music and Worship
- Articulate an understanding of the importance of music and worship in the church.
- Demonstrate a foundational technical understanding of music theory and practice.
Pastoral Ministry
- Demonstrate an understanding of the call to vocational ministry.
- Identify fundamentals and techniques of pastoral preaching.
Youth Ministry
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of a youth minister.
- Articulate strategies for youth ministry.
Emphasis Outcomes
The purpose of the bachelor’s degree in ministry leadership is to prepare adult learners who desire involvement in church ministry. The focus will be to explore and develop leadership potential based on biblical principles in a variety of Christian ministry settings. Areas of emphasis include business, church administration, children's ministry, counseling, discipleship, music and worship, pastoral ministry, and youth ministry.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Articulate a developed knowledge of the biblical and theological basis for leadership.
- Demonstrate leadership skills through the understanding of group and individual interaction.
- Formulate strategies to direct Christians to apply leadership skills in life contexts.
- Demonstrate the ability to think, discuss, and write in a critical manner.
- Demonstrate the ability to research using primary and secondary sources in the field.
Management (MGMOL.BS)
Management is a broad field that focuses on the planning, organizing, leading, and controlling of an organization’s resources. This program is designed for students who desire to hold managerial positions in large or small organizations. Students are expected to develop skills in data analysis, teamwork, effective communication, problem solving, human resource management, and the development and implementation of business strategy.
Student Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Skills
Students will demonstrate:
- The ability to define, formulate and implement organizational goals and objectives related to leadership frameworks.
- The ability to monitor and manage performance.
- The ability to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of organizational structure and process design.
Students will demonstrate proficiency in written and verbal skills to communicate effectively in a business environment.
Students will demonstrate a Christian understanding of business reflecting their moral and ethical responsibilities and will be able to utilize appropriate ethical frameworks in making business decisions.
Critical Thinking
Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills by applying classroom topics to real world scenarios in order to draw logical, appropriate conclusions.

AdmissionLee Online was created to serve students with three years of experience beyond high school. Students who do not meet this requirement must appeal for a waiver. Students at LEADs or Regional Schools of Leadership do not need to appeal. |
Tuition & FeesLee Online undergraduate tuition rates are based on a discount percentage of on-campus rates. Additional discounts are offered for ministry programs, military, veterans, and first responders. |
Lee University Online
781 N Ocoee St
Cleveland, TN 37320-3450
(423) 614-8370
[email protected]