Records Office
Schedules & Registration
For current registration information, click here.
For easy registration, including real-time listing of courses’ availability and closed class information, visit Portico/WebAdvisor.
A printable course schedule is also available by clicking here. Please note that revisions to course offerings, locations, times, and instructors may be made frequently.
The Lee University Records Office is your source for up-to-date information and forms related to on-site and online registration, current schedules, transcripts, and enrollment verification. If you have any question, please call (423) 614-8200 or email [email protected].

Official Transcripts
Transcripts will be issued for individuals without any financial holds. Official transcripts can be sent via e-mail or mail through Parchment, our online transcript processing service.
- Lee University
- East Coast Bible College
- Northwest Bible College
- West Coast Christian College transcript
- MIP Transcript
Forward questions regarding West Coast Christian College and MIP transcripts to
Unofficial Transcripts
Unofficial transcripts are only available to currently enrolled students via Portico student login, then clicking Self-Service on the left-hand side.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order my official transcript and how much does it cost?
You can request your transcript from the Lee University Records page using Parchment’s service. You will need to select the school that you’re needing the transcript from. As of August 1, 2023, each copy of your transcript is $10.00 plus any additional fees added for shipping (see ‘What are my delivery options? Below).
How can I get my unofficial transcript?
Current students can locate their unofficial copy of their transcript through portico (Self-Service Menu -> Academic Profile -> Transcript). Lee University only provides unofficial transcripts to currently enrolled students.
How can I send an attachment with my transcript?
You can attach a document to your transcript on the ‘Order Details’ page of the Parchment request. This will be after you’ve selected the type of transcript you want. The option to upload would be next to “Attachment (Optional)”.
I recently transferred to Lee University but I don't see my transfer courses on my transcript. Where are they?
The Office of Academic Services evaluates all external transfer work. You will need to contact Academic Services at (423) 614-8121 or [email protected] if you do not see the coursework on your record.
What are my delivery options for ordering my official transcript?
As of August 1, 2023, Electronic Transcript – $10.00 per transcript. No additional delivery charge. Most secure and fastest method. Paper Transcript (Pickup) - $10.00 per transcript. No additional charge. Mailed Paper Transcript (Standard USPS) – Shipping adds an additional $2.50. $12.50 per transcript. Additional fees are added to Mailed Paper Transcript for shipping depending on the carrier and whether it is being shipped Domestic or International. Review options and fees on Parchment’s page. Hold for Grades (Electronic, Pickup, or Mailed) - Transcripts will be sent at the end of term when all semester grades have been posted onto your academic record. Hold for Degree (Electronic, Pickup, or Mailed) - Transcript will be sent once your degree has been posted onto your academic record.
How do electronic transcripts work?
When an order for an E-transcript is fulfilled, it will send an email to the desired recipient. The recipient may access and download the E-transcript. Note that the electronic transcript will expire 7 days after it is delivered, so make sure the recipient is prepared for the e-mail. They can download the transcript up to 3 times before another request must be sent. If the recipient encounters problems with the E-transcript download it is recommended they to clear the internet browser cache and ensure the most up to date Adobe software edition is installed.
What are my payment options?
Online transcript orders require payment by credit card or debit card. Payment for the full amount of a transcript order must be received before the order can be processed.
How soon will my transcript arrive?
Electronic transcripts will be sent as soon as possible, but any manual processing can take 1-2 business days if put on hold. Be advised that you should typically request transcripts well before the deadline in the event of unexpected delays. Typical processing is 1-2 business days, but it may take longer if there is a backlog of requests or during high-volume times in the academic year. Mail requests take 1-2 days of processing plus standard mailing time.
My transcript order says that it is “On Hold” after I purchased it. Should I do anything?
In most cases, you do not have to do anything after your order has been submitted. You will either receive an email that confirms your transcript(s) have been delivered, or you will get an email stating you have a financial hold. Keep an eye out on your email for updates on your transcript.
Can I forward my electronic transcript to someone?
No. Electronic transcripts are only to be sent to the “recipient” email address. Having it sent to you and attempting to forward it nullifies the official transcript.
I don’t know the dates I attended or my graduation year.
If you are unsure of your dates of attendance, you can estimate your dates of attendance or graduation. This will help us process your request faster.
Where do I send my transcript if the search pulls up multiple institutions?
Make sure to verify with the recipient where you are sending to that if it needs to go to a specific email or mailing address, student should review that institution’s website for support.
I can’t find my destination. How do I send my transcript?
If you’re on the main page, click the blue words “Send to yourself, another individual, or third party” under the search bar. If you are already looking at a list of schools, scroll down to click the blue “Enter Your Own” button. Please refer to the institution’s official website for the email or mailing address to send the transcript to.
I have a hold on my account when I order on Parchment. What does it mean?
If you’re seeing a pink error on Parchment mentioning a financial hold but you are still able to type in your destination below, please proceed with the transcript order. If you cannot type anything after seeing the pink error on Parchment, please contact Student Financial Services at (423) 614-8100 or [email protected]. If you are on your student Portico account requesting an unofficial transcript and see a hold, contact [email protected]. Note, only currently enrolled students can access their unofficial transcripts. For more information about any holds affecting your account, contact Student Financial Services at (423) 614-8100 or [email protected].
I forgot my login to Parchment.
Try using the blue ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page. If that fails, e-mail [email protected].
If I order my official transcript on Parchment, will my new grades or degree be on it?
There is an option on the ‘Order Details’ page for ‘Processing Time’. If you need your grades from the current semester or you will be graduating at the end of the semester, you can select ‘Hold for Grades’ or ‘Hold for Degree’ to make sure either or both show up on your transcript when it is sent.
I want to send an official transcript to Lee University to apply for graduate school. Who do I talk to?
Send an email to [email protected] with the following information: Full Name, Student ID, Date of Birth, Department to send the transcript to, and purpose of transcript.
I need transcripts from other schools I have attended.
You should contact the original institution to request an official copy of your records. If you need access to a record that we hold in your student file, you can request a copy of those records but it would be considered unofficial. To request a copy of a document in your student file you will need to fill out an Inquiry/Request Form.
My transcript did not get delivered. Who do I talk to about this?
Send an email to [email protected] with your Parchment order or document number pertaining to the transcript request. You can find this number in the email you received when you ordered the transcript.
Can I have someone else pick up my transcript at the Records Office?
After selecting a pick-up order by clicking on "Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third Party" under the search bar, you must type their first and last name in the "Recipient Name" box. They will be the ones to pick up your transcript, and they must provide official government ID when they come to the Records Office.
I accidentally sent out an order to the wrong place. What do I do?
Contact [email protected] with your Parchment order or document number and the correct destination it needs to be sent to. It is not always possible to reverse an order, and you are responsible for the charges that may still incur. You must be as quick as possible to report this for us to be able to help you.
What do the code P, W, U, and I on my transcript mean?
P = A pass for a course that has a pass or fail grade. W = A class that you registered for but withdrew from. A W grade cannot be removed: all course attempts appear on your transcript. A W has no assigned point value and so does not affect your GPA. U = A pass in a course that is audited (a 0 credit course). I = A course that is marked as incomplete by your instructor. Speak with your instructor about this. Incompletes will turn into an F grade if not resolved.
How do I calculate my GPA?
Your GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total amount of credit hours attempted. Your GPA is automatically calculated by our Student Information System. For more information on how to calculate your GPA, you can find a variety of GPA calculators online.
How will a repeated course look on my transcript or affect my GPA?
Lee considers the last grade for any course completed in your GPA calculation. This is the case even when the repeated course is a lower grade than the previous grade. All grades of previous attempts will still show on the transcript but will refer to the latest semester taken for that course. A course can only be repeated twice until approval is required.
What is included on my official transcript with Lee University?
- University Name
- Full Student Name
- Student ID and Date of Birth
- Last 4 digits of SSN.
- Term-by-term summary of all transfer credits that were sent to and approved for transfer to Lee University. (Does not list specific classes from other institutions)
- All grades and semesters from Undergraduate and Graduate, including all attempts of any course.
- Term and Cumulative GPA and Credits.
- Registrar Signature
- Lee University Seal
- When applicable, graduation degree, date, and majors

Lee University Records Office/Registrar's Office
PO Box 3450 Cleveland, TN 37320-3450
(423) 614-8200
[email protected]
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST
Tuesdays and Thursdays - Closed for Chapel 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM EST
Lee University Records Office/Registrar's Office • PO Box 3450 Cleveland, TN 37320-3450 • (423) 614-8200 • [email protected]
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST • Tuesdays and Thursdays - Closed for Chapel 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM EST