Paying for college can be difficult, but a Lee education is more affordable than you might think. We are consistently rated among the nation's most affordable Christian colleges. But what does that mean for you? In such a complicated process, we want to make it a bit simpler. Affordability has two distinct components: how much does it cost you, and how much assistance will you have to cover this cost. This page will simplify this process and help you navigate it.

How Much Does Lee Cost?

Lee is committed to low cost for every student, in state, out of state, regardless of need. Our annual tuition and fees for full-time, undergraduate students consistently ranks Lee among Christian colleges with the lowest cost. We are also affordable, which means that our cost is manageable for students through various kinds of assistance.

Even when compared to schools with lower tuition costs, the average student at Lee utilizes aid programs that make the bottom line possible, so many students find Lee comparable to top-tier state institutions. Given the fact that one fourth of our students are first-generation college attendees, and one third of our students qualify for the Pell Grant, we are confident that you can afford your Lee education no matter what your situation.

The great value of a Lee experience, combined with such a reasonable tuition rate, is the first reason for this confidence.

What Financial Aid Is Available?

The amount of aid available to Lee students is the second reason for our confidence that you can afford your Lee education. Students here find aid available to help pay for college from numerous sources: federal and state grants, private scholarships, generous institutional merit scholarships, and student employment. Many students also carry with them third-party scholarships and grants that help toward their education. After all these most common funding sources are used, some students have a bit more ground to cover, and we have programs designed for students to borrow responsibly to invest in their education, one of the most worthy investments in life.  

We have confidence that Lee is an affordable choice for your college experience. We hope you will explore further here to find that it is within reach for you. 

In an effort to make this process as simple as possible for our prospective students, we have streamlined the process of applying to Lee and obtaining a financial aid projection. With the exception of a few programs for which we need a separate application, the vast majority of assistance toward your college experience at Lee can be awarded based on your application for Admission, your FAFSA information, and information you provide in your Lee University Scholarship Profile. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the national standard for determining how much your family is expected to contribute to your college education. This application can be filled out at (Be sure to select Lee University as a recipient of your FAFSA results). The other two forms are online and can be found in the Lee University’s application portal. 

If you’ve seen enough and would like to begin the process, click the “Get Started” button to visit the application portal to start your application and fill out your Scholarship Profile. When you reach the portal, you can “sign up” (get a login) or “sign in” (if you’ve already started an application here). After signing into the portal, click “Start New” and choose between Admissions Application and Scholarship Profile Application. If you are new to the portal, we recommend starting with the Admissions Application, but both will need to be submitted before financial aid can be awarded. If you have started either application, make sure you sign in using the same email address you used originally. 

If you’d like to learn more about the various aid programs and scholarships or see important information about the new financial aid award process, click here. 

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