Both of the modules below are mandatory training for all employees and must be completed within 30 days of orientation. A link notifying you of your scheduled online training will be sent within the first week of employment. Refreshers of this training will be conducted at intervals throughout your employment. When you have completed the test, please print your score sheets and return to the Benefits Coordinator with all other benefits documents.

Family Education Rights And Privacy Act

The university requires all employees to complete FERPA training. This training will enable employees to share an appropriate appreciation for student records confidentiality and provide them with the proper protocol for handling student records and processing requests for information.

Unlawful Harassment

Lee is committed to providing an environment free of harassment and/or hostility. The University maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment because of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, age, veteran status, genetic information or other basis protected by law. To that end, all Lee University employees are required to view and complete the unlawful harassment training provided by WorkPlace Answers.

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