A student seeking admission as a music major should have some background in music skills and performance, as well as a desire and commitment to develop these skills within the framework and guidance of the music major curriculum at Lee University.
Students may audition for the School of Music before applying or being accepted to Lee University, but a student must be accepted to the university and to the School of Music in order to enroll as a music major.
Undergraduate Audition Process
- Complete and submit the University application for admission.
- Schedule an audition online here. Music major auditions are held on selected audition dates. In-person auditions are encouraged, but video audition submissions may be accepted under certain circumstances. Contact Recruitment Coordinator for more information.
- Audition for the School of Music. The student will need to follow the School of Music guidelines for music major entrance auditions. During the audition, the student will demonstrate skills that can be developed to enable them to successfully serve as a performer, music educator, music minister, or music entrepreneur. It is necessary for the student to be able to read music.
Notification of acceptance status will be given by letter within two weeks of the audition. Based on the audition, a student may:
- be given full acceptance into the music major curriculum.
- be encouraged to enroll as a provisional music major and then re-audition after the first semester of study.
- be advised to study as a music minor.
- be advised to study applied music as an elective.
If a student who enrolls as a provisional music major takes music courses and elective applied lessons, and successfully completes one semester of study, he/she may re-audition during the end of semester jury exams. If sufficient progress has been made, the student will be granted full acceptance into the chosen music degree program at that time.
If, in the judgment of the reviewing faculty, the student has not made sufficient progress, counsel from an advisor, area coordinator and/or Dean of the School of Music will be given the student as to what options are available for other educational opportunities at Lee University.
If you have additional questions about the process, please contact the School of Music Auditions Coordinator, Ivy Drake, by emailing [email protected], or call (423) 614-8675.
Graduate Audition Process
Graduate student auditions by appointment only. To schedule a graduate student audition, click here.
For questions, please contact the Office of Graduate Music at [email protected]