On-Campus Resources

The University makes available the following resources for students in response to incidents that may involve violations of our Title IX policy. An asterisk denotes confidential campus resources:

The Office of Title IX Compliance
Kate Chapman
[email protected]
Phone: (423) 614-8699
Office: Lower Simmons 104
Lee University Counseling Center*
[email protected]
WAT, 100 8th Street
Campus Ministries*
[email protected]
CCR, 150 11th Street
Lee University Health Clinic*
[email protected]
LEC, 1700 Parker Street
Campus Security
[email protected]
CSO, 1000 Barns Street NE
Residential Life & Housing
[email protected]
CEN 316, 120 N Ocoee Street
Academic Support (Disability Services)
[email protected]
DXC 101A, 1250 Parker Street


Employee Assistance Program
Contact the Office of Human Resources
[email protected]
(423) 614 – 8105
LSS 104, 1270 Church Street

*Confidential Campus Resources: While all offices above will seek to safeguard the dignity of any person involved in a reported incident, only these indicated offices can provide confidentiality when an incident is reported. The employees in these offices are operating under a professional license (mental health, medical, ministerial) and may hold reports confidential at the request of the individual.

Off-Campus Resources

Local, state, and national resources are available to assist with advocacy, health care, mental health support, and legal matters. These include, but are not limited to:

24-Hour National Sexual Assault Hotline
(800) 656-HOPE
Online Hotline
Cleveland City Police
Non-emergency: (423) 473-7511
100 Church St. NE
Harbor Safe House & Advocacy Center
24-7 Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline: (423) 476-3886
Additional Information
Bradley County Sherriff’s Dept.
Non-emergency: (423) 728-7300
2290 Blythe Ave.
Partnership Rape Crisis Center
24-7 Crisis Hotline: (423) 755-2700
5600 Brainerd Rd. Suite E-3
TN Coalition to End Domestic & Sexual Violence
(615) 386-9406

Governmental Agencies

Governmental agencies outside of the university may be consulted as well. These include:

  • United States Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
  • United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Tennessee Human Rights Commission

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