Prevention and Awareness Activities

While the institution is committed to supporting victims of harassment and discrimination and providing appropriate disciplinary consequences to those engaging in such behaviors, it strives to prevent incidents from occurring in the first place.

The university requires all new students to participate in an online pre-orientation course that includes sexual harassment prevention and awareness information. In addition, the Office of Title IX Compliance offers regular campus trainings, workshops, and events (e.g. Teal Day) to promote ongoing prevention.

Bystander Intervention

The university promotes an approach to campus community that encourages students to intervene when their peers are engaged in problematic behavior or are involved in behaviors or scenarios in which their well-being is threatened. Essentially, students are encouraged to engage in bystander intervention by stepping in to help other students when needed. This kind of intervention can range from personally stepping in and talking with other students to asking others to assist in the situation.

If the individual student is unsure of intervening personally, she/he may ask others to become involved. In situations in which physical violence may occur, students should involve appropriate others as soon as possible and exercise caution in the situation. Involving others includes, but is not limited to, the following options:

  • Calling 911
  • Calling Campus Security (423) 303-4444
  • Contacting a resident director, resident chaplain, or resident assistant
  • Reporting concerns to the Office of Student Development or the dean of students
  • Reporting concerns to the Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinators (see Title IX Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy)

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