Employee Directory

Jessica Piso, DMA
Instructor of Flute
School of Music | Location: CUR 204
Betsy Poole, PhD
Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
Specialty: Coordinator for French and Spanish, TESOL and Spanish Instruction
Language and Literature | Location: VST 106A
Phone: (423) 473-1172
Bryan Poole, PhD
Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and for Faculty Development
Behavioral & Social Sciences | Location: HUM 303G
Phone: (423) 614-8319
Thomas Pope, PhD
Professor of Political Science
Specialty: Political Theory, & U.S. Constitutional Law
History, Political Science, & Humanities | Location: HUM 305C
Phone: (423) 614-8133
Jodi Powers
Secretary to the Director of the Counseling Center
Counseling Center | Location: WAT 203
Phone: (423) 614-8415

Kaylen Purks
HUB Student Success Coach
Student Life & Success | Location: PCSU 304 A
Phone: (423) 473-3770
David Quagliana, PhD
Director of the Counseling Center / Assistant Professor of Counseling
Counseling Center | Location: WAT
Phone: (423) 614-8415