What is Student Conduct & Support?
Student Conduct & Support refers to the students’ behavior and holding the students to the code of conduct of the institution. It is in place to help support, empower, and allow students to flourish while at Lee University.
One of the ways the Office of Student Conduct & Support does this is by holding the campus accountable to the Student Handbook, which holds all of the expectations for the campus body by the institution.
Student Conduct & Support Procedures
Any time we receive notice of a student or students violating our Student Handbook, we start an investigation. We do not automatically assign discipline or consider the accused guilty based on reports. We will interview witnesses as well as the accused in the situation. Every side of the story matters and we take that into account when deciding the appropriate discipline for the infraction.
There are policies in our Student Handbook that distinctively outline the discipline procedure that the university will follow based on the infraction that a student has violated. Other policies will give discretion to the Director of Student Conduct & Support, Executive Director of Student Life, Vice President for Student Life & Success, or their designee to decide the discipline procedure. All policies and information can be found in the handbook. Student discipline records are kept for 7 years from the date o f graduation of the student. They are securely shredded and destroyed at that point. Any discipline record involving a suspension or expulsion will be held indefinitely by the university.
I keep getting emails from Maxient, what is Maxient?
Maxient is a software that we use to track and manage all infractions. It sends out emails and text messages on our office’s behalf. Please pay close attention to any communication you receive from Maxient as this is how we will communicate with students regarding any and all discipline.
What is a sanction?
A sanction is a disciplinary measure that is assigned to a student for their violation of our Student Handbook. A sanction includes all the ways the university can assign discipline to a student (i.e., accountability hours, campus life suspension, restitution, etc.).
Accountability Hours
Accountability Hours are a large part of how discipline is given to students. Accountability Hours are one of the ways we’ve been able to incorporate restorative discipline measures.
1 Accountability Hour = 1 hour of the student’s time
Accountability Hours carry over from semester to semester and year to year until the student has worked them off. Depending on the violation, a certain number of Accountability Hours will be assigned with specific ways to work them off. We seek to incorporate the students’ preferences, when applicable, into the discipline process and ask for their input for ways they would like to work off their hours.
When are my accountability hours due?
All information regarding discipline measures can be found in the letter of determination emailed to students. The letter will include the due date, how to work off the hours, and the policy/policies violated.
I have not received my letter yet, what do I do?
Your letter of determination cannot be sent until the investigation is complete. Please be patient as we work through the investigation, as we do not want to assign any sanctions until all interviews and evidence have been collected and reviewed. Once complete, the letter of determination will be sent to let you know if you have been found responsible or not responsible for the purported violation(s).
What email is my letter of determination sent to?
All letters of determination will be sent to student accounts only.
I would like to work off my hours differently than what was assigned.
Please email Student Conduct & Support at [email protected] for approval.
I was sent a letter of determination but still have questions, who do I contact?
You can email [email protected] or call 423-614-8410 for any questions.
What will happen if I do not work off my accountability hours by the specified date?
If a student does not work off their accountability hours by the specified date in their discipline letter the student will receive 5-10 additional hours. Should the student not complete their hours by the new date, they will receive another 5-10 accountability hours. Once a student reaches 20 or more accountability hours, a student life hold is placed on their account and they are not permitted to participate in the social life of campus (i.e., intramurals, clubs/organizations, ensembles, athletic teams, etc.). Please note, should a student accumulate 50 or more accountability hours they will be suspended from the university.
What does suspension mean?
Suspension means a student must withdraw from all classes and move out of the dorm, if they live on campus. A student who is suspended is not permitted to return to campus for the remainder of the semester. Suspension can take place in the current semester or the following—this is under the discretion of the Executive Director of Student Life. This student may reenroll the following semester of suspension.
What does expulsion mean?
Expulsion means a student must withdraw from all classes and move out of the dorm. This student will not be permitted to reenroll to the university in the future.
What is restorative discipline?
The definition of restorative justice that we utilize is:
“Restorative justice is a collaborative decision-making process that includes harmed parties, offenders, and others who are seeking to hold offenders accountable by having them:
- accept and acknowledge responsibility for their offenses,
- to the best of their ability, repair the harm they caused to harmed parties and the community; and
- work to rebuild trust by showing understanding of the harm, addressing personal issues, and building positive social connections."
- Citation: Karp, D. R. (2015). Chapter 1. In The little book of restorative justice for colleges and universities: repairing harm and rebuilding trust in response to student misconduct (p. 4). essay, Good Books.
We strongly believe that all students can be restored and their offenses be repaired, so they can continue to grow and develop in their communities.
Restorative discipline can only be engaged with a student who has taken ownership of their infraction and harm. If a student will not take ownership of the harm, then the discipline process is more punitive in nature.
Office of Student Conduct
1120 North Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN
(423) 614-8410
[email protected]