The Lee University Faculty Handbook describes the new faculty mentoring program as follows:

"Each new faculty member is assigned to an experienced faculty member who will assist him/her through the first three years at Lee University. Mentors facilitate three major areas of adjustment: social, institutional and professional. It is the mentor’s responsibility to introduce the new faculty member to people with shared interests and to help him/her make a successful adjustment to Cleveland. If necessary, the mentor will also assist the new faculty member in acquiring the requisite classroom skills by observation, coaching, and modeling. Throughout the first three years of the faculty member’s career, the mentor will serve as his/her advocate." (p. 6-8)

Typically mentors are selected from within the new faculty member’s academic department.

The Vice-President for Academic Affairs holds a training session for each new group of mentors. They are provided a copy of the book, Mentoring for Mission: Nurturing New Faculty at Church-related Colleges by Caroline J. Simon. This book is an excellent resource for faculty mentors in institutions such as Lee University.

Mentors attend a two-day New Faculty Orientation with their mentees before the semester begins for the newly-hired. Mentors also are encouraged to attend other faculty development events with their mentees including “New Faculty Orientation Seminars” and “Excellence in Teaching Seminars” throughout their initial year. These events are held in the Center for Teaching Excellence. While attending the seminars, new faculty are made aware of other faculty development materials such as books, DVDs, journals, and newsletters which are available in the CTE for their enrichment. In the CTE, both mentors and mentees can find a rich collection of resources related to teaching and learning. Also, the group experiences help new faculty develop and sense of camaraderie with new and veteran faculty members across disciplines and from around the university campus. New faculty also become acquainted with CTE personnel who are committed to helping them develop their teaching skills in a safe atmosphere of full confidentiality.

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