Biblical and Theological Studies

This major focuses on the content of Christian faith and practice with specific attention to the Biblical source, historical traditions, philosophical concepts, and theological perspectives.
Similar vocational tracks are also available within the discipline of theology.
This is a double major option wherein a streamlined version of the Biblical and Theological Studies major is coupled with a second major of the student’s choice from any department at Lee. There are two iterations of this track.
In this track, instead of a dual major, students combine the streamlined theology major with two minors from academic departments across the university. This program does not require foreign language study.
Career Opportunities
- Teaching
- Editing and Publishing
- Pastoring
- Worship-leading
- Chaplaincy
- Law
- Ministry and Curriculum Writing
- Missions
- Graduate Study – Scholarly work
- Research
- Not-for-Profit Organizations/Social Justice GNOs and Lobbies

What to Expect
Tutoring is provided for all disciplines. The Writing Center also provides help with research/reflection writing assignments.
Travel/Global Trips
- Italy Spring Break Religion Global Trip
- Israel Biblical Study Tour (Summer)
- Israel Archaeology Trip (Summer)
- Theta Alpha Kappa Theta Pi Chi
- Theology Club
- Pi Alpha Sigma-Koine Greek Club
- Philosophy Club
- Theology House
- TAK - STM Honor Society
- Theta Alpha Kappa-National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology
- The School of Theology & Ministry selects a disciplinary award winner and gives awards in several disciplines each spring.
- The Capstone course is designed to help graduating students integrate their faith with the academic knowledge they have gained throughout their studies. It is regarded as the final reflection of the essential Core Values of Lee University.
- All STM majors take the 1-hour STM Capstone course during their final year. It is offered during the spring semester.
Students spend much of their time in the STM building, where the department is located.
- Weekend Sunday Shadowing—further information on this can be garnered from the department of Christian Ministries
- Student mentors—upper division students are chosen to mentor new and incoming majors
- Teaching Assistantships are given to upper division students for the fields of Old Testament, New Testament, Hebrew, and Greek
McNair Scholars: the STM faculty have supported and sponsored numerous scholars since the beginning of the program