Career Opportunities
- Counseling
- Health Care Worker
- Human Resources
- Employee Manager / Supervisor Researcher
- Teacher
- Design Development
- Computer Applications
- Production
- Quality Management
What to Expect
Travel/Global Trips
- Psychology Trip to Europe
- Psychology club
- Psi Chi Honor Society
- The Lifespan Development course completes a service project each semester.
- Students in Capstone complete service projects as part of the course.
- Crisis Intervention course completes a service project each semester.
- Community Psych course completes a service project each semester.
The Capstone course is designed to help graduating students integrate their faith with the academic knowledge they have gained throughout their studies. It is regarded as the final reflection of the essential Core Values of Lee University.
Students spend most of their time in the Humanities building and on the third floor great room.
- Counseling Field Experience
- Child Protective Services
- Bradley Homeless Shelter
- The Caring Plac
- Ollie J. Lee Symposium – The department’s annual student research symposium
- Behavioral and Social Sciences Laboratory (Mayfield Annex)
- Applied Research Methods and Statistics (class with research project)
- Students present at regional, national and international research forums such as the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA) conference and the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference.
- Play Therapy Center