
Weinert Named Distinguished Alumnus for Department of Business

Alumni, News

By Karen Chambless

Lee University’s Department of Business honored Dr. Glenda Weinert as the Distinguished Alumnus for this year. The award was presented by department chair Dewayne Thompson at a department breakfast during Lee’s Homecoming festivities last weekend.

“Glenda was always the type of student you looked forward to having in class; you knew her work was going to be done well and she was there to learn,” said Thompson. “That same spirit follows her even today, as evidenced by completing a doctorate and staying heavily involved in her church, state, and community.”

In her home state of North Carolina, Weinert has been appointed by the governor to serve on the North Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council and by the speaker of the house as the chair of the North Carolina Childcare Commission. She also serves as sustaining advisor to the board of the Junior League of Asheville, is the treasurer for the Children’s Welfare League, a board member of the Asheville Buncombe Medical Ministry, and a board member for the Irene Wortham Center (an inclusion childcare program).

Weinert teaches as an adjunct faculty member at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College in the business department. Previously, she grew a family-owned company from one to five locations throughout Buncombe County with over 700 children served and the highest possible state rating.

Currently, Weinert does consulting work specializing in cost savings analysis for various companies including childcare providers.

Weinert earned her doctorate from the University of Phoenix and her master’s degree in business administration from Kennesaw State University after graduating from Lee University in 1985 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. She has been married to her husband Clint for 24 years and they have two sons, Dylan and Brett. Weinert and her family currently live in Asheville, North Carolina.

PHOTO: Pictured here is Dr. DeWayne Thompson, right, presenting Dr. Glenda Weinert with the 2014 Distinguished Alumnus award during the Department of Business Homecoming breakfast.

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