
Summer Honors 2014 Completes 28 Years


Lee University recently welcomed more than 130 high school juniors and seniors to its campus for the 28th annual Summer Honors program, providing students an opportunity to earn college credits while enjoying various aspects of campus and community life.

“Our focus this year was on helping the students to embrace their callings by getting beyond the doors they hide behind and the fears and doubts that drive them there,” said Dr. Mike Hayes, vice president for student development at Lee.

While at Summer Honors, students got a head start on their college careers by earning six hours of academic credit. Students take two courses designed to introduce them to the structure of a university-style class. This year’s courses included Doing Business with the Sharks; Go… Transforming Communities through Service; How Different Can This Be?: Human Exceptionalities and Similarities in Relation to Special Education; Sociology Goes to the Movies; Taking Sides: Psychological Issues; Ancient/Future Worship: How the Bible, Culture, and Personalities Affect the Worship Music of the Postmodern Era; the Film Experience: Understanding Cultural Language through the Cinema; Finding Your Leadership Voice; Keeping Secrets Secret: The Mathematical Art to Making and Breaking Codes; and The Science of Chocolate.

Besides going to classes, Summer Honors exposed participants to an assortment of other activities such as whitewater rafting, Greek Olympics, a formal dinner, and an Atlanta Braves baseball game.

“Summer Honors encouraged and challenged me to grow socially, mentally, and, above all else, spiritually,” said Cierra Motes, a rising Lee freshman from Lithia Springs, Ga. “Many relationships bloomed over the short two weeks—lasting friendships between fellow students as well as mentors that have helped me develop confidence in Christ and in myself.”

The program also focuses on service-learning, a vital part of the Lee curriculum, providing students the opportunity to participate first hand. This summer’s opportunities included a block party hosted for the clients of the Caring Place, serving at the Boys and Girls Club and the Habitat for Humanity ReStores, and assisting with the American Heart Association Heart Walk, among others.

“This group of students engaged the two-week experience with passion, beginning their adjustment to college successfully,” said Hayes.

For more information about Lee’s Summer Honors program, please visit
or contact the Office of Student Development at (423) 614-8406.

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