
Students Host Human Trafficking Awareness Event


On Saturday, March 16, a group of Lee University students hosted Defend the Cause at Lee’s Church Street Annex. The event, organized to raise awareness of human trafficking, featured guest speakers Jerry Redman, of Second Life of Chattanooga, and Tim Passmore, who discussed the increased need for collaboration in efforts to end trafficking. Pictured here are the members of the Benevolence class that planned the event (left to right) Katelyn Parent, Kevin Lawrence (Teaching assistant),
Rachel Moreno, Alexander Ingram, Hailey Partridge, Dominick Konsulis, Chris Dayton, Neil Cooney, Christina Ray, Genny Ward, Michelle Morris, Amy Lyons, Daniel Miller, Molly Braswell, Michelle Hernandez, Marcello Martinelli, Trent Arrington, Jonathon Turner, Tanner Gwaltney, Andrew Pealock, Shylah Slaughter, Ariel Bowman and Sarah Brandenburg (Teacher).

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