
Mundy-Judkins Selected as Fellow for Sociology Honor Society


By Jillian Ellis

Dr. Karen Mundy-Judkins, professor of sociology at Lee University, was selected as a fellow for Alpha Kappa Delta (AKD) International Sociology Honor Society during the October 2013 Mid-South Sociological Society meetings in Atlanta, Ga.

“It is a great honor to be selected as an AKD fellow,” said Mundy-Judkins.

Mundy-Judkins specializes in medical sociology and epidemiology. Her original work in medical sociology was a comparative study of hospitals including the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga teaching hospital. She has continued post-doctoral work in medical sociology and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and Duke University, and her current research involves the impact of new health care policies within the medical profession and its teaching institutions.

Mundy-Judkins, sponsor of Lee’s AKD Theta chapter, recently participated in the AKD Teaching and Learning Symposium in Atlanta.

In addition to her teaching and research, Mundy-Judkins is a hospital chaplain in Chattanooga hospitals.

AKD was founded by Emory Borgardus at the University of Southern California in 1915. It has over 630 chapters globally, and is affiliated with the American Sociological Society. Chapters must meet standards of eligibility, requiring sociology faculty with PhDs in sociology and a high level sociology curriculum.

Pictured here is Mundy-Judkins, right, at the Salzburg Women and Peacekeeping Conference, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, standing next to “Princess,” leader of the Status of Women office in Nigeria.

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