
Moderna Booster Available on Campus

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Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 3, the Lee University Health Clinic will offer the FDA-approved booster dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. The booster will be available, by appointment only, every Wednesday and Friday through Dec. 3.

According to Rachel Coffey, director of Lee’s Health Services, the Lee clinic is certified to administer the booster through TennIIS (Tennessee Immunization Information System). “We can now simply order the supplies and proceed with administration of the booster in a way that works with our campus calendar.”

The Moderna booster is a half-dose of the original vaccine dose and should be taken at least six months after the second dose of the original.

“We believe this is a great opportunity for those who have been anticipating a booster,” says Coffey. “Our hope is to resume booster administration after the first of the year, if possible.”

For more information about the booster dose, who should receive it, and any specifications, visit

To schedule an appointment, call the Lee University Health Clinic at (423) 614-8430.

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