
Medical Missions Program Enters 21st Year


The Summer of Studies in Medical Missions program at Lee University is approaching its 21st year of taking pre-professional students to Latin America to participate in medical, dental and health education clinics.

This past summer, a new dimension was added to the students’ and faculty members’ experience in Guatemala.

“We are now partnering with the Universidad da Vinci in Huehuetenango to both serve the staff there and establish what we hope will be a lasting collegial relationship between the two universities,” said Dr. Jeri Veenstra, professor of health science at Lee.

During their time with the Universidad da Vinci this summer, Lee University was honored for its service at a special presentation. Brenda Matias, coordinator of the Nursing University Technician Career Program at da Vinci University, and Dona Eleonora Monzon Herrera, an administrative manager, presented Veenstra a plaque for Lee.

This year’s teams to Guatemala and Honduras included several Lee alumni along with current student and faculty family members. The standing hospital in Honduras is operated by Lee grads, Dr. Martin Williams and Wendy Williams. Medical patients in Guatemala were seen by Lee faculty member DeWayne Knight, along with Lee grads Nate Nessle, Rachel Davis Thrift and Miranda Raines Butler. Lorin Holst, a student team member’s father, and recent Lee graduates Alex Huelscamp, Sarah Conway, Andrew Tyson and Grayson McConnell, joined the medical team as well.

“The team leaders are always looking for alumni and friends from the community who can add their skills and expertise to serving patients, mentoring students, and strengthening the local church,” added Veenstra.

For more information about the Sumer of Studies in Medical Missions program, contact (423) 614-8115 or visit

Pictured here are Matías (center) and Herrera (right) presenting the plaque to Veenstra (left) for Lee University’s service; Also pictured is a group photo of the 2014 medical missions team.

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