Lee Day 2024 to Begin April 5

On Friday, April 5, and Saturday April 6, Lee University will host Lee Day, a time of excitement and information geared toward prospective students and their families. Over the course of the event, visitors will have the chance to participate in a variety of activities that glimpse into the unique mixture of clubs, people, cultures, and opportunities that the university offers.
“Lee Day Weekend is always an exciting time,” said Elizabeth Pace, director of admissions at Lee. “It’s an opportunity for us to share our lovely campus and feature our amazing faculty and staff through the great experiences we have created for prospective students and parents.”
Registration will begin on Friday at 8:30 a.m., followed by campus tours and the Residential Hall Open House. Personalized financial aid sessions will begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 4 p.m. Students are also invited to attend featured classes throughout the day between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in various classrooms.
Early Class Selection will be offered by appointment in which students can meet one-on-one with an academic advisor to register for classes, discuss academic plans, and create a full schedule for the fall semester.
Following a lunch provided for all Lee Day guests, academic displays will be set up in the School of Business lobby where students can discover more about their programs of interest. A session for parents on student success initiatives, as well as an open house hosted by the Office of Racial and Ethnic Relations will be held that afternoon.
Friday afternoon, Lee will host informational sessions about the art program, theatre program, Summer Honors, and an academic support session for disability services. At 4 p.m., Major Discovery will take place in Pangle Hall, where students can discover and explore the available majors at Lee.
The annual Block Party will begin at 5:30 p.m. on the Sharp Pedestrian Mall, offering food, fun, and the opportunity to meet current students.
Friday evening, prospective students and families can choose from five events to attend at 7 p.m. Activities include an intramural three-on-three basketball game, sand volleyball, and other games hosted by Lee Athletics; “Colors and Coffee,” a painting party with Lee’s art faculty; and a Music Showcase featuring Lee Chorale and instrumental ensembles.
Additionally, Lee Theatre will perform “The Sound of Music,” in the Dixon Center.
“It is a joy to be able to bring such a classic fixture of American musical theatre to our audience,” said Anna Marie Brendel, visiting lecturer of theatre at Lee. “We are blessed at Lee to give a variety of student design, leadership, backstage, and on-stage opportunities to students of all skillsets in theatre practice.”
Lee’s improv team Shenanigans will also put on a comedy show in Pangle Hall that evening.
The night will wrap up with Lee’s Moonlight Cafe in the Sharp Pedestrian Mall, an event featuring live music and coffee.
Saturday’s events will begin at 7 a.m. with registration, campus tours, and Early Class Selection. The morning will also offer more opportunities to check out the academic displays and residence halls. More financial aid sessions will be offered throughout the day, as well as a special Lunch and Learn meeting for parents with Lee’s President Dr. Mark Walker and Chancellor Dr. Paul Conn.
Lee U Spotlight will take place at 10:30 that morning in the Conn Center, highlighting Lee music, award-winning videos, and alumni stories designed to provide attendees with a clear picture of life at Lee. Separate luncheons for transfer students and high schoolers will take place at various locations across campus, where they can also enter the scholarship drawing taking place that evening.
Following the luncheons, guests and prospective students are invited to the Sharp Pedestrian Mall to visit student booths and displays highlighting the many academic, service, and social clubs that Lee offers. School of Music auditions will also be held at this time.
Lee will also host Lee Talks that afternoon, a session where faculty will give short informational lectures. Additionally, academic support services will lead a session on disability services offered by the school. The Academic Program Showcase, which provides a closer look at specific majors and programs, will also take place at 3 p.m.
Finally, participants are invited to join LeeU Worship and Voices of Lee for a Worship Rally with President Walker in the Conn Center at 4 p.m. At the conclusion of the service, scholarships will be drawn and awarded to prospective students, followed by a barbecue in Alumni Park.
“These two full days of activity are definitely the best time to visit Lee,” said Danny Murray, director of Voices of Lee. “Everything will be on display, from theater, athletics, classes, and music, plus the highly anticipated Block Party with food and fun for all. Do not miss Lee Day 2024, you may even win a scholarship!”
All events will be free for registered Lee Day guests.
For more information about Lee Day, or to see a full schedule of events, visit leeuniversity.edu/lee-day/.