
Lee Cinema Hosts 14th Annual Film Fest

Communication Arts, News

Lee University Cinema recently hosted its 14th annual Film Festival, an event for students to screen and present their short films to an audience of students, faculty, and community guests. Seven films were selected for screening at the festival. 

“This event is a chance for Lee filmmakers to celebrate their hard work,” said Matthew Fisher, professor of communication. “Making a film is such an undertaking, and screening films for a big audience can be a great reward for all that effort.” 

The event was run by Lee Cinema, with the help of the Student Engagement Office, and hosted by Jordan Babb and Nolen Ford, Lee students and members of the school’s improv team Shenanigans. 

“The Cobbler’s Son,” directed by recent graduate Logan VanHook, won the Faculty Choice Award, given by Communication Arts faculty and staff as a recognition to the film that exhibits highest excellence in collaboration, creativity, and storytelling. 

The Audience Choice Award, given to the film that receives the most votes from the audience, went to recent grads and “twin duo” Kevin and Christopher Glover. They received the award for their film “Burglars,” written and produced by Christopher and directed by Kevin. 

“I am truly grateful to the audience for voting for the film I wrote,” said Christopher Glover. “It was honestly surprising and reassuring seeing how captivated everyone was with the plot and characters.” 

Other films submitted this year include “Forgiven,” directed by Cohen Kendrick; “Nowhere, Inc.,” directed by Jayce Lewis and Joseph Mercer; “Closure,” directed by Will Merchant; “Backboard,” directed by Jacob Opperman; and “New Era, New Blood,” directed by Sean Walker. 

“Lee Cinema is marvelous because we’re creating something that takes on a life of its own,” said Kevin Glover. “Films impact people emotionally and can continue to do so until the end of time.” 

Students were invited to submit any film they had produced in the past year. Each submitted film was screened by a panel of faculty judges who chose which films to feature in the festival. 

For more information about Lee’s cinema program, visit

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