
Conine Named School of Business Alumnus of the Year

Alumni, News, School of Business

Lee University’s School of Business recently awarded Chris Conine the Department Alumnus of the Year Award during a special Homecoming breakfast.

“Chris Conine embodies the intent of the School of Business Alum of the Year recognition,” said Dr. Dewayne Thompson, dean of the School of Business. “He exemplifies a life of service and approaches his work as chief financial officer from the perspective of kingdom work and not just a profession. He does what we hope all of our students and alumni do—serves with excellence, commitment, and calling and represents the School of Business exceptionally well.

Chris Conine with Dr. Dewayne Thomspon

In his position as vice president for business and finance, Conine is responsible for the financial and business affairs of the university. His duties include supervision to accounting services, student financial services, human resources, physical plant and facilities management, risk and compliance, the bookstore, food service operations, and Lee’s Early Learning Center.

His career at Lee University includes two years of service as the university controller and 15 years as vice president and chief financial officer. Before joining Lee, he acquired 15 years of diverse, extensive experience in financial management, taxation, accounting, and management consulting. He also participated in the management development program at the Harvard University Graduate College of Education.

Conine is originally from Athens, Georgia. He has lived in Cleveland, Tennessee, since 1983 and is married to Angie, also a graduate of Lee, and they have three sons.

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