
Carroll Named Distinguished Alumna of the Year

Alumni, News
Patricia Carroll receives her award from Dr. Paul Conn.

Patricia Carroll was named the 2018 Distinguished Alumna of the Year during the President’s Circle Dinner at Lee University’s Homecoming earlier this month. This award is the highest honor given by the university to alumni and is given to a graduate who demonstrates excellence in his or her career, while also embracing the values that Lee embodies.

“Pat Carroll has been a part of the Lee story for many, many years,” said Lee president Dr. Paul Conn. “She’s had remarkable success as a businesswoman and was one of those people who always stayed connected to her alma mater, always came back to Homecoming and other events.”

Originally from Cincinnati, Ohio, Carroll first came to Cleveland as a Lee Academy high school student. At first an aspiring teacher, she ultimately decided to study business at Lee University before starting a career as a successful businesswoman in both southern Ohio and southwest Florida.

In her acceptance remarks, Carroll affirmed her continued love for Lee. Even after 62 years, she said, she’s still excited whenever she comes back to Lee and sees the progress the school has made.

“I learned integrity at Lee University, and I learned it well,” said Carroll. “And it has paid off. It’s everywhere here. It’s from the top down. It was here when I started, and it’s still here today.”

In 2000, Carroll became the first woman to serve on the Lee University Board of Directors and is now a senior leader on the board. She is also a long-term financial supporter of Lee, and the Patricia Carroll Lecture Hall in the School of Nursing is named in her honor.

“She’s never lost her heart for Lee or her love for Lee,” said Conn. “We are so grateful for all she’s given over a lifetime to her alma mater since those high school years at Lee Academy.”

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