Faculty Resources
On this page you will find the most common questions asked by faculty. If you still have a question that may not be on this page, please feel free to contact the helpdesk.

I am new to the university. How do I get my network account(s) setup?
All Faculty account creations begin in the Human Resource (HR) office.
As a faculty member, what kinds of accounts will I need or have?
Your primary account will be your network account. This will give you access to any campus computer, your email on and off campus, the FLAMES wireless internet, Moodle, and to Portico/Webadvisor.
I am trying to change my password. Why won't it accept my new password?
Remember all Portico/Webadvisor/Network passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters long and must contain 3 of the following 4 criteria.
Upper case letters
Lower case letters
Special characters
Also note that your password cannot have any part of your name in it, nor can it be any of your previous passwords.
How do I change my password if I don't remember it?
From the Lee University website, look in the Quick links section at the bottom of the page, then select Portico & Web advisor. It will bring up a login page and one of the options is change password. Just answer the appropriate questions and it will provide temporary password for you.

How do I change my password online if I already know my current password?
Login to Portico with your current password. From the Menu in the top left corner select University Services. On this screen there is a Change Password option. This will take you to a form where you must put in your current password once and your new password twice. Once entered, this will change your password for your network account and everything that uses this login.
How do I report a problem with technology in the classroom
If you find a problem with the TEC equipment, please call the Help Desk immediately at (423) 614-8027. If there is an outage in the classroom, it will be our highest priority to get it resolved.